
The 2023 Instructional Needs Assessment helps stakeholders and administrative leaders identify and understand challenges, strengths, and opportunities in complex educational systems to inform decisions. The 2023 Instructional Needs Assessment is an anonymous survey designed to examine instructors’ experience of classrooms, instructional spaces, and teaching support services.

The goals of the 2023 Instructional Needs Assessment are to:

  • Determine the current experience of teaching in Arts, Sciences & Engineering (AS&E) courses and classrooms
  • Decide the future directions Teaching Center programming and classroom redesign might take

This assessment is focused specifically on teaching in courses primarily enrolling AS&E students and in AS&E classrooms. All instructors, regardless of appointment type or academic unit, who teach courses primarily enrolling AS&E students are considered stakeholders and invited to take the survey.

The Instructional Needs Assessment survey will be open from January 23, 2023 to February 3, 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Teaching Center conducting an Instructional Needs Assessment?

In spring 2022, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning was separated into the Learning Center and Teaching Center. As part of this transition, the Teaching Center, in collaboration with its Faculty Advisory Board, is exploring current instructional needs and interests to shape its programming and future directions. Collaborating with campus partners in Event and Classroom Management and AS&E Space and Operations, the Teaching Center is also interested in better understanding classroom conditions and their impact on teaching.

How will you use the data?

The Teaching Center will use the survey data to evaluate and revise its current programs and services, as well as to develop new programs and services. We are particularly interested in developing new programs to meet the needs of instructors new to teaching and/or new to the University.

Classroom information will be shared with relevant campus partners, including Event and Classroom Management, AS&E Space and Operations, and the AS&E Committee for Instructional Space Planning and Operations.  These partners are involved in evaluating current instructional spaces and developing plans for the maintenance, renovation, and upgrade of AS&E classrooms.

Can my answers be traced back to me?

No. Each individual link is anonymous, and the responses to the limited number of demographic questions will be separated from other question responses. These demographic questions ask about an individual’s instructional rank, disciplinary division, school, and length of time teaching. The separation means that an individual survey taker’s demographic response will not be connected to that person’s responses about programs, services, and classrooms, and vice versa.

How is the survey anonymous if I have an individual link?

The survey was developed using a double-blind or masked method. We determined which email addresses/individuals to include in the survey population. The survey system, Qualtrics, then generated the appropriate number of individual response links and randomly assigned those link to the email addresses/individuals provided. There is no record accessible to us that links the email address to the individual survey link, nor are we collecting information about which links were used. Therefore, it is not possible to connect survey responses to either the individual survey link or email address.

How will the data be stored?

Once the survey is closed, the raw data will be archived within Qualtrics. A copy of this data will be downloaded and stored in a secure Teaching Center cloud drive.

Can I find out the results of the survey?

We will hold an informal information session on April 28, 2023 between 2 and 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Register for this Event