Page 5 - Autumn 2023 Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 5

                          Anadama Bread

        SERVES: 24                         PREP TIME: 15 min                  COOK TIME: 40 min

        INGREDIENTS:                       DIRECTIONS:

        6 ¼ to 6 ¾ cups                    Combine 3 cups of flour, cornmeal and the yeast in a bowl.
           all-purpose flour               Heat molasses, shortening, 2 cups of water and 1 tbsp of
                                           salt just until warm (115-120°F); stir constantly.
        ½ cup cornmeal
                                           Add to flour mixture and add eggs. Beat at low speed of
        2 packages active                  mixer ½ minute. Beat 3 minutes at high speed. Stir in as
           dry yeast                       much remaining flour as you can mix in with a spoon.

        ½ cup dark molasses                On a floured surface knead in enough remaining flour to
                                           make a moderate soft dough (3-5 minutes total). Shape into
        ⅓ cup shortening                   a ball and place in a greased bowl; turn once. Cover with
                                           plastic wrap and let rise in warm place until double. Punch
        2 eggs                             down and divide in half, let rest 10 minutes covered.

        1  tbsp salt                       Shape into loaves and place in two greased 9 x 5 x 3 inch
                                           loaf pans. Cover and let rise until nearly double. Bake at
                                           375° F for 35-40 minutes.

        DR. DAVID R. LAMBERT is the Senior Associate Dean for Medical School Education
        and a Professor of Medicine at URMC.

        During this season of “thanks,” I’m most grateful for my wonderful family and the
        colleagues I have here at the Medical Center who work tirelessly to create normalcy
        among upheaval delivering patient care, providing education and expanding research.

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