Faculty & Staff

University faculty and staff members play an important role in welcoming our newest students and families to campus. Learn more about the orientation program and how to get involved.

Photo of staff members and student volunteers seated on golf carts behind Rush Rhees Library during Fall Welcome Week

Raise your hand

Volunteer for Fall Welcome Week

Welcoming new students and families to campus in August is a huge team effort—and the orientation team needs your help! From staffing check-in to greeting parents and families, there are a ton of opportunities to connect with the newest members of the Yellowjacket family in their first days at Rochester.

Sign up

Communicating with new students

Looking to email incoming students about a specific academic interest or program? View instructions for obtaining new student email lists, based on the semester.

For email lists of incoming fall students

Incoming fall students must submit their enrollment deposit by May 1 (or the closest business day), and their intended programs of study should be updated in UR Student by that date.

However, as students complete academic advising over the summer, their intended programs of study may be updated in UR Student by their advisor(s). We encourage you to regularly pull updated lists if you plan on sending emails to students throughout the summer.

If you need a list before May 1, please contact Admissions (admit@admissions.rochester.edu). We strongly recommend that you wait to send emails to new students until late May or early June, as many are still completing their final semesters at their previous institutions and may not be checking emails from the University regularly.

Questions? Contact the College Center for Advising Services at cascas@ur.rochester.edu.

For email lists of incoming spring students

Incoming spring students are admitted and submit their deposit on a rolling basis. Most spring students will be enrolled by mid-December, so you should be able to pull a report of incoming students and their intended programs of study from UR Student after then. If you need a list before mid-December, we encourage you to reach out to Admissions (admit@admissions.rochester.edu).

Questions? Contact the College Center for Advising Services at cascas@ur.rochester.edu.

General information

Orientation is so much more than Welcome Week! Use the buttons below to learn more about Rochester Ready, the College's online orientation program, as well as the new student checklist, timeline, and more.

Photo of the stage on Eastman Quad at a past Convocation with leaves in the foreground

Save the date


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Help us welcome the Class of 2028 and our new transfer students to the College during Fall Welcome Week! Hear from President Sarah Mangelsdorf, Dean of the College Jeffrey Runner, and other University leaders as we celebrate the official beginning of our newest Yellowjackets' academic careers. Look for an invite in @Rochester in summer 2024.

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