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A (Wo)man’s World?

                                                                  A sampling of early questions and challenges

       Showered with support.                                    faced by URMC women faculty in fields traditionally
       As the only female intern in                            dominated by men.
       pediatrics at Yale University in
       the 1940s, Ruth Lawrence, MD,
       was given sole use of one of
       two shower rooms on her dorm
       floor. “I would get a little rat-a-
       tat on my door at night from the                             Name neutrality.
       men, asking if they could take a                              When B. Paige Lawrence, PhD, Wright Family
       shower in my room,” she recalls.                                Research Professor, arrived at the airport for a
       “I’d say, ‘If you pick up your                                  meeting in Montreal, the scientist assigned to pick
       towel, yes.’” Those men wound                                her up was surprised by her appearance. “Oh my
       up being extremely supportive,                            God, you’re a woman!” he exclaimed, apparently thrown
       throwing her a baby shower and                         off by her gender-neutral name. The same thing happened
       taking medical calls on her behalf                  when she traveled to France to give a talk, and it happens
       just before the first of her nine               occasionally when she attends conferences. “The fact that many
       children were born.
                                                    people just assume I’m a man says something about our culture as
                                                                                       scientists,” she says.

                                            A lesson in leadership.
                                            In the late 1980s, while on sabbatical          Server scientist?
                                             at a Switzerland research institute,
                                              Edith M. Lord, PhD, brought her              While at an international
                                              5-year-old daughter, Kara, to a            conference, Deborah J. Fowell,
                                                                                        PhD, found herself chatting with
       Privacy, please.                        grand affair there. “We were           fellow graduate students and a
       Prior to joining the University          walking past pictures of            well-respected scientist who was a
       of Rochester, Ania Majewska,             people who were in                 leader in his field. Aside from being
       PhD, experienced male                     charge of things,” Lord         the only female in the group, Fowell
       colleagues coming into the                 says, “and she had            was passionate and animated as she
       women’s bathroom to tell her                one question:              discussed how vaccines work and ways
       she has a phone call, as well as            ‘Where are                to improve them. During a pause, the
       a male advisor who reserved a                the women,             scientist said, “Oh, dear, can you run along
       single room for the two of them               Mom?’”              and get us some drinks?” Fowell obliged,
       to share at a conference—until his                               but on her way back with the beers, she
       wife intervened. “In both cases I                              admonished herself. “I remember thinking, ‘How
       was too timid to say anything about                           stupid. Why am I doing this?’” she says. “This
       the behavior, which, looking back, is                       person five minutes earlier had been very gracious
       sad,” she says. “But, in general, I think                  in listening to my ideas. It was an odd juxtaposition.”
       women have a harder time standing
       up and pointing out behaviors that are
       unprofessional. Maybe it’s because many
       of us don’t like to be confrontational, so
       we put up with it more.”

                                                                                                   ROCHESTER MEDICINE  |   2019 – V2  23
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