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Cover Story: Women, Unlimited

                                       Wanting to know more about concierge medicine,   Black Physicians Network of Greater Rochester, Inc., a
                                       Gina Cuyler, a primary care physician, asked a male   nonprofit agency that matches engaged role models with
                                       colleague about his work in the area, but he shared   underrepresented youth who want to pursue careers in
                                       little information. More recently, after sitting beside   medicine—and she serves as a mentor and collaborator
                                       a different male colleague for two hours at a lecture,   herself.
                                       she broached the subject again, but he was no more
                                       forthcoming.                               “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the
                                                                                  problem,” she notes.
                                       But when Cuyler approached a female physician on the
                                       topic—someone she had just met—their discourse   With black female physicians representing about 4
                                       was casual and fluid.                      percent of doctors in the U.S., and women representing
                                                                                  approximately 39 percent of all physicians, “it would
                                       “Possibly the shared affinity of being women facilitated   be impossible to find all female mentors for female
                                       the conversation,” she says. “Possibly some unspoken   mentees, given these demographics,” says Cuyler, who
                                       bond of having overcome challenges based on being   also owns a medical consulting firm. “It is even more
                                       different than the traditional white male physician   challenging to find mentors along racial lines.”
                                       prototype made it easier to connect.”
                                                                                  Complicating matters, she continues, is the trend of
                                       Originally from Panama, Cuyler says she knew firsthand   men in leadership roles becoming increasingly reluctant
        Gina Cuyler                    about conscious and unconscious bias—both because   to mentor women in the age of the #MeToo movement,

        (MD ’92, Res ’95)              of her gender and race—through microagressions   afraid of being accused of harassment.
                                       during her residency and internship in internal medicine
        President and Co-founder       at the University of Rochester Medical Center.  The answer is not in simply pairing women with
          Black Physicians Network                                                women, or one race with the same race, in Cuyler’s
          of Greater Rochester, Inc.   “I realized you can work as hard as you possibly can,   opinion. It is about building on shared experiences and
        Owner and Founder              but somebody else’s opinion can result in an outcome   shared goals.
           Comprehension Internal Medicine
                                       that’s different than it should be,” she says. “There isn’t
                                       always a concept of fairness.”             “We need to create environments where we can give
                                                                                  people the knowledge and tools they need not only to
                                       Cuyler responded with advocacy work to diversify the   thrive, but also to help others be all they can be,” she
                                       face of medicine, work that earned her the University   says. “We need to keep thinking outside the box and
                                       of Rochester Presidential Diversity Award in 2017. She   encouraging each other.”
                                       co-founded and serves as president of the

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