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Cover Story: Women, Unlimited

                                       During Deborah German’s third year of residency in internal medicine at the University of Rochester Medical
                                       Center, her vacation was scheduled to start April 1. Her first child wasn’t due until April 7, however, so she had to
                                       be creative.
                                       “There were no other arrangements,” she says, “so I figured out how to advance my own labor so I could have my
                                       baby on vacation.”

                                       After six hours, she gave birth to a healthy, 6-pound, 11-oz. daughter on April 1.
                                       German, a specialist trained in the field of rheumatic and genetic diseases, remembers women comprised about 10
                                       percent of her class in medical school and residency. She saw that as a challenge that would make her strong.

                                       “I am stronger today because I had to figure out a way,” she says. “I wouldn’t turn the clock back for anything, but
                                       like everything else in life, when you expose yourself to great challenges, you learn great lessons.”

                                       German took on one of those great challenges when she was selected in 2006 to help launch the University of
                                       Central Florida College of Medicine. Despite being called “crazy” for wanting to provide full four-year scholarships,
                                       including tuition and living expenses, for the entire 40-member charter class, she did just that, raising $6.4 million
                                       at a time when the economy was beginning to tank.
        Deborah German,                Her vision was all the more surprising to some because of her size. German stands 5 feet, 2 inches.
        MD (Res ’79)                   At a brunch held to introduce her to female leaders in the community, one woman asked, “Can you do this job?

        Vice President for Health Affairs and   You’re so small.” German responded, “I don’t feel small.”
          Founding Dean of the College of
          Medicine                     Two years later—after she had built a team of more than 500 faculty and staff, appointed more than 2,000
        University of Central Florida College   volunteer and affiliated faculty, and overseen construction of a 375,000-square-foot medical campus—the
          of Medicine
                                       Orlando Sentinel named German its 2008 Central Floridian of the Year.
                                       In fact, German has earned recognition for achievements throughout her career, which has included positions as
                                       director, associate dean, senior associate dean, national chair, and president and chief executive officer.
                                       Step by step, she has continued moving forward by heeding advice she gives her two daughters and professionals
                                       around the country. When making a decision, ask yourself whether it is prompted by fear or courage. Always
                                       choose courage.
                                       The ability to confront pain and uncertainty, which goes back to German’s experience as a soon-to-be mother, is
                                       necessary, she says, for anyone to be successful—as is the ability to be honest.

                                       These qualities serve both men and women well, she adds, but when seen in women, “it’s even more powerful
                                       because it’s unexpected.”

                                       “ I wouldn’t turn the clock back for anything, but like
                                        everything else in life, when you expose yourself to
                                        great challenges, you learn great lessons.”
                                                                                           Deborah German, MD

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