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Cover Story: Women, Unlimited

                                       Despite struggling with impostor syndrome, Jennifer   “I took over the job for three weeks and then had a
                                       Corbelli went after a position as chief resident at the   baby,” she says. “I don’t think I would’ve done it except
                                       University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine because of   I had more mid-career and senior women around me
                                       a female mentor, Melissa McNeil, MD.       who have really rich careers and are fantastic moms.”

                                       “I never would’ve pursued it except that she put the   Corbelli recently co-authored a systematic review
                                       idea out there for me,” says Corbelli, who landed the   of the mentorship of women in academic medicine.
                                       position. “I wouldn’t have even sought that out myself,   Published in April 2019 in the Journal of General
                                       but she told me she was going to put my name forward,   Internal Medicine, the review shows that mentorship
                                       and that made a huge difference for me.”   programs designed for women are met with high
                                                                                  satisfaction and can facilitate promotion and retention.
                                       While she had several women role models at the
                                       University of Rochester School of Medicine and   “In some ways, the more people have in common, the
                                       Dentistry—most importantly Valerie Lang, MD    easier the mentoring relationship might be, but our data
                                       (Res ‘00)—she continues, “at that young age I still   showed that gender concordance isn’t nearly as important
                                       thought most of what I had to offer was that I was   as we’d hypothesized,” she says. “So a lack of enough
                                       efficient and worked well with a team. I didn’t see in   senior female mentors shouldn’t be a barrier to developing
                                       myself what she saw in me. It would take me years.”  and optimizing mentorship programs for women.”
        Jennifer A. Corbelli           The confidence Corbelli eventually developed   Now a mentor herself, Corbelli helps women reach their
        (MD ’07)                       spurred her to take on her current role as program   individual definitions of success—even when the road
                                       director of the University of Pittsburgh School of   gets a bit bumpy.
        Associate Professor of Medicine  Medicine’s Internal Medicine Residency program. The
        Program Director of the Internal   Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education   “So many women are not only showing us it can be
          Medicine Residency Training                                             done, but are also talking about it—and being real
          Program                      requires program directors to have completed residency   about the things that are difficult,” she says. “It’s so
        University of Pittsburgh School of   at least five years earlier.         important to have role models who give you permission
                                       “I did it in my sixth year so I barely met the   to bring your whole self to work, who can both
                                       requirements,” says Corbelli.              acknowledge the challenges and help you best shape
                                                                                  your career in ways you define as most meaningful and
                                       She was also about to give birth to her first child.  rewarding.”

        Leadership Positions in Academic Medicine

                         100                   100                                                                      100

                                                                                         85                     84
         80%                                                               75                     79

         40%                           38                     34

         20%                                                                        15       21            16

                              0                      0                                                               0
                  Assistant Deans       Associate Deans      Senior Associate Deans       Chairs                Deans
                                     National Women      National Men      URSMD Women         URSMD Men

     28 28  ROCHESTER MEDICINE  |   2019 – V2MEDICINE  |   2019 – V2
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