Page 17 - Women Unlimited | Rochester Medicine | University of Rochester Medical Center
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Throughout her career, Paige Lawrence, a widely   “They didn’t push back, but they didn’t apologize either,”
        recognized expert on how environmental factors   she says.
        influence the development and function of the immune
        system, has encountered “many examples of where   Those and other examples, Lawrence emphasizes,
        gender played a role.”                      pre-date her 2006 arrival at the University of Rochester
                                                    School of Medicine and Dentistry, where she has felt
        For example, when she started graduate school at   “incredibly well-supported.”
        Cornell University, there were no women’s bathrooms
        within the research spaces. She had to walk from   “When I went to my prior department chair to express
        the lab area to an entirely different floor—and   a need for something, we generally worked together to
        different part of the building, where the secretaries   meet that need,” she says. She also noted that this same
        were stationed—to use the restroom, the closest   collaborative spirit percolates throughout the school
        one available for women. She encountered a similar   and University of Rochester Medical Center, making for
        situation in her first faculty position at Washington   “a more positive work environment. While we still have
        State University, although this time she led an effort to   areas to improve upon, I love working here.”
        turn the men’s room into a unisex space. She said that   With support both at work and from her partner at
        “having to walk far away to use a bathroom may sound   home, Lawrence has navigated the many pressures of
        trivial, but it is important. It sends a message that you   having a career and family. She finds it heartbreaking
        are not welcome.”                           that women in their 20s continue to approach her   B. Paige Lawrence,

        On two occasions, when she was the only tenure-track   with questions about how they can have both. She   PhD
        woman in her department at Washington State, she had   prefers the term “work/life integration” over “work/life   Wright Family Research Professor
        to deal with men who complimented her lab and then   balance,” because she believes it better conveys that   Chair of the Department of
        announced they were going to set up shop in her space.  being both a professional and caretaker is possible.  Environmental Medicine
        “It was very stressful,” she says.          “I feel like the word ‘balance’ creates this idea there’s   Director of the Environmental Health
                                                                                                   Science Center
                                                    some attainable Buddha-like state you’re going to get
        Lawrence talked with mentors before approaching the   to, and I’ve never achieved that state,” she says. “A lot   Professor of Environmental Medicine
                                                                                                   and Microbiology and Immunology
        men separately to let them know she was bothered by   of times I’ve thought I was a complete failure because I   University of Rochester School
        what they’d said—and that the lab spaces were not   couldn’t achieve that state. I finally realized that, overall,   of Medicine and Dentistry
        available to them to take.                  I can contribute meaningfully to both my family and
                                                    science without having to make binary choices.”

        Full-time Faculty Positions 2019


         80%                                                                                                    77       78

         70%                                                                                      64
                     61       61                                                         61
         60%                               51   57                54       56

         50%                           49                     46       44
                39       39                         43                              39
         40%                                                                                 36

                                                                                                           23       22

                 All Full-time Faculty  Senior Instructor/Instructor  Assistant Professor  Associate Professor  Full Professor
                                  URSMD Women          URSMD Men          National Women        National Men

                                                                                                   ROCHESTER MEDICINE  |   2019 – V2  27
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