Page 11 - Autumn 2023 Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 11

                          Crispy Gnocchi

                          with Tomatoes and Feta

        SERVES: 3                          PREP TIME: 5 min                   COOK TIME: 30 min

        INGREDIENTS:                       DIRECTIONS:

        1  lb (or 500 grams) of            Wash and dry tomatoes. Mince garlic cloves. Place 2 Tbsp oil
           shelf stable packaged           in a medium frying pan or saute pan, and put on medium to
           potato gnocchi                  medium-high heat.

        1  lb of fresh cherry or           Place remaining 1 Tbsp oil and the butter in large frying pan
           grape tomatoes                  on medium heat. When butter is melted in large pan, add
                                           gnocchi from the package. Break apart clumps and stir to
        3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil      evenly coat with the butter and oil mixture. Continue to stir
                                           occasionally during cooking; the goal is to lightly brown the
        1  tbsp butter                     gnocchi and give them a crispy texture.

        3 oz (or 100 grams) Feta           When browned to desired texture (approx. 15-25 mins), keep
           cheese, crumbled                warm in uncovered frying pan. When oil is shimmering in
                                           medium pan, add garlic and stir until it begins to soften.
        2 cloves garlic, or more if
           you prefer                      Add the tomatoes all at once; be careful of oil splatter. Stir
                                           occasionally. The tomatoes should eventually rupture and
        8 sprigs of fresh thyme,           make a chunky sauce in the pan. Stir as often as is required
           or other herbs to taste         to keep them from burning to the bottom, but a lightly
                                           browned sauce is fine. Two minutes before finishing, add
        Pepper to taste                    pepper and herbs.

                                           Assemble by placing the crispy gnocchi in a bowl, then pour
                                           the tomato sauce over the gnocchi. Add crumbled feta, and
                                           toss all the ingredients together. The feta will partly melt and
                                           make the sauce creamy. Serve immediately.

        KEVIN MCFARLAND is the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Steven Chu Professor
        in Physics

        During this season of “thanks”, I am grateful for the precious opportunity for family and
        friends to gather in shared fellowship.

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