Page 12 - Autumn 2023 Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 12

                          Nigerian Jollof Rice

        SERVES: 4                          PREP TIME: 15 min                  COOK TIME: 1 hr

        INGREDIENTS:                        DIRECTIONS:

        4 tbsp canola oil                   Blend tomatoes, red bell peppers, habanero peppers,
                                            large red onions until consistency is smooth. Set aside.
        1 tbsp butter                       Wash the rice thoroughly to remove excess starch.
                                            Set aside.
        14.5 oz canned tomato
                                            In a medium -sized pot on medium heat, heat canola oil
        2 red bell peppers                  and butter. Put in chopped onions and allow to fry for
                                            about 5 minutes Pour in tomato paste and allow to fry
        6 oz canned tomato paste            about 10-15 minutes stirring frequently.

        ½ tsp cayenne pepper                Add in your blended mixture, crayfish, Maggi or Knorr,
           and black pepper                 cayenne and black pepper, bay leaves, curry powder,
                                            garlic, and thyme. Mix and fry for about 30 minutes.
        3 large whole red onions +          Stir occasionally to avoid burning. Enjoy the aroma!
        1 cup chopped red onion
                                            Add chicken stock and salt. Mix and allow to cook for
        1 tbsp Maggi or Knorr cubes         an additional 10 minutes. Add in washed rice and a bit
                                            of water. Reduce the heat to low. Cover pot. Cook rice
        ¼ cup blended crayfish              on low heat for about 30 minutes.

        4 Habanero peppers (based
        on how spicy you want it)

        4 ½ cups long grain par
           boiled rice

        2 cups of chicken stock

        1 tbsp salt
                                            NKIRUKA S. MCGINNIS, PhD is the Executive Director
        3 single bay leaves                 of Annual Giving Programs in University Advancement.

        ½ tbsp curry powder                 During this season of “thanks”, I am most grateful for
                                            a wonderful family, and a wonderful place to work!
        ½ tsp garlic + onion powder

        ½ tsp thyme

        ¼ tsp ginger

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