Page 15 - Autumn 2023 Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 15

                          Spicy Pasta

                          with Sausage, Tomatoes, Feta, and Squash

        SERVES: 6                          PREP TIME: 15 min                  COOK TIME: 30 min

        INGREDIENTS:                       DIRECTIONS:

        12 oz package orecchiette          Cook pasta in a large pot of generously salted water until
            or small shells pasta          very al dente (~ 2 minutes less than package directions).
                                           Drain pasta, reserving 3/4 cup cooking liquid. Set pasta
        2   tbsp olive oil, divided        and cooking liquid aside.

        12 oz spicy Italian sausage,       Heat 1 tbsp oil in a large, deep skillet over medium-high
            casings removed                until shimmering. Add sausage in 1-inch clumps, and cook,
                                           undisturbed, until browned on bottom, about 3 minutes.
        3  tbsp spicy harissa              Add jalapeño and/or red peppers, if desired. Stir and
            (such as Mina)                 cook, breaking up sausage with a wooden spoon, until
                                           almost cooked through, about 2 minutes. Drain and discard
        1/3 cup dry white wine             drippings, reserving cooked sausage and 1 tbsp drippings
                                           in skillet.
        1   pint multicolored cherry
            tomatoes, halved (about        Add harissa to skillet; cook over medium-high, stirring
            2 cups)                        constantly, 30 seconds. Add wine, stirring and scraping
                                           up any browned bits from bottom of skillet. Cook, stirring
        Peppers (I use seeded and          occasionally, until slightly reduced, about 2 minutes. Stir
        diced jalapeño and red)            in tomatoes, salt, black pepper, cooked pasta, and 1/2 cup
                                           reserved cooking liquid. Cook, stirring constantly, until
        1   tsp kosher salt, plus          a creamy sauce forms and coats pasta, about 3 minutes,
            more to taste                  gradually stirring in remaining 1/4 cup cooking liquid as
                                           needed to reach desired consistency. Remove from heat.
        1   cup thinly sliced
            zucchini and/or yellow
            crookneck squash —add
            at the end of the dish

        1/4  cup thinly sliced fresh
            mint, plus more for
            garnish (sprinkled dry         SHAUN NELMS is the Vice President for Community
            mint works well also)          Partnerships.

        Crushed red pepper to taste        During this season of “thanks,” I’m grateful for the village
                                           that keeps our children safe.
        Black pepper to taste

        4  oz feta cheese, crumbled
            (about 1 cup) or more

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