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Why Living in Rochester is Awesome

By April 16, 2014March 20th, 2015Blog Posts

Having spent six years at the University of Rochester (I completed my undergraduate degree at UR), I think that it’s safe to say that I have enjoyed my time here. Outside of the school itself and the friendships that I have made here, the city of Rochester has really made these past six years, especially the past four, an absolute blast.

Rochester has turned out to be much more of a fun city than I expected when I arrived here my freshman year. There are a plethora of amazing restaurants, bars, museums, and other activities to keep you entertained. It’s particularly fun when you’re over 21 and therefore don’t have restrictions on where you can go!

My favorite neighborhood in town is definitely the Park Avenue area. I may be slightly biased since I live in the middle of it, but let’s just pretend that I’m completely neutral on this one. There are a ton of restaurants, bars, and shops all within a two or three block radius of each other. These restaurants include my favorite breakfast spot, Jine’s, and some phenomenal ethnic restaurants such as Furoshiko and Sinbad’s. There many other great restaurants in town, but there’s so much more to do in Rochester than eat!

There are a range of nightlife spots in Rochester, with the three largest areas being the area where East Ave. and Alexander Street intersect, the South Wedge, and Park Ave. Each of these areas has its own feel and attitude, and make it possible for just about everyone to find what they are looking for when going out. The best part about all of them is that they’re inexpensive!

That brings me to what might be my favorite thing about Rochester: the prices. Unlike New York City or Boston or San Francisco, Rochester is a very affordable city.  Most people I know that live off campus (myself included) pay somewhere between $400 and $500 per month for rent, which is quite reasonable when compared to some bigger cities. This level of affordability makes Rochester especially appealing if you’re on a tight budget.

If you’re planning on doing TEAM for three semesters, or are in a multi-year program, spend your summer(s) in Rochester! The running joke is that we get kicked out as soon as the weather starts getting nice, and there is some level of truth to this. Rochester is absolutely beautiful in the summer and there is a wide range of things to do while you’re here. The Lilac Festival is full of free concerts and has plenty of food vendors and other stands all set up in Highland Park, which is very close to campus. There are other festivals like the Park Ave. Fest, the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival, Rib Fest, and Ten Ugly Men. They’re all incredibly fun! Additionally there is Party in the Park, which is a series of $2 concerts held every Thursday evening. A large number of students stay in Rochester for the summer, so it is very easy to find people to go to all of these activities with.

All in all, Rochester is a fantastic city, especially for students. The school provides a great shuttle system if you don’t have a car of your own, which is great, since there is plenty to explore!



– Alex Magill ’14 (MS) 
