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Just the Beginning of My TEAM Story

By October 6, 2014March 20th, 2015Blog Posts

Do you value rigorous programs in both engineering and business? Do you value an interdisciplinary program rather than a traditional master’s program? Do you value experience in entrepreneurial management?


These aspects drew my attention to the TEAM program and ended up being the reasons I finally enrolled in this program. As time goes on and I work through the unique TEAM program, I see what I’ll learn from TEAM will go far beyond that.


After spending a month’s time together, we know more about our classmates and courses. It’s amazing that you can have courses with classmates from various educational backgrounds—the diverse thinking is very enjoyable. It was once hard for me to imagine how students from different backgrounds work as a group on one business case and finally complete a perfect plan. Considering that each student may think and problem solve differently depending upon his or her own profession and cultural perspective, it might be a little difficult to reach an agreement. After the first group assignment was completed, I realized that having a group with varied backgrounds actually brings more to the table. This is especially true during brainstorming (due to everyone visualizing a problem differently than other group members, providing the whole group with a creative boost).


JillpicIn addition to engineering courses, we take three business courses: Accounting and Finance Primer for Entrepreneurs; Screening Technical Opportunities; and Economics, Marketing and Strategy Primer for Entrepreneurs. These courses bring us into the business world, which is totally different from engineering fields. Engineers tell you “1+1=2” while economists tell you “1+1= it depends.” Business courses reshape our minds. Economics teaches you what the market is and the game between the supplier and customer. Accounting teaches you how to manage your money in a proper way, making money with money. Screening technologies teaches you how to protect invention with patents and how to screen the opportunities in today’s era of “Big Data.” Undoubtedly, all of these skills help us recognize and interpret the world from a new viewpoint.


I still remember that night during orientation (it gave me goosebumps) when I heard senior TEAM members talking about how they did their business plans and then started their own company. This was while we were on a dinner cruise on the Colonial Belle beneath the sulfur sky. I still get goosebumps remembering their stories!


I believe it’s just the beginning of my TEAM story.


– Jill Jin ’15 (MS)Jill Jin Pic