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24-Hour Red Paperclip Challenge

By March 18, 2015Dark Blue

The SPARK Entrepreneurs club is holding a Red Paperclip Challenge from Friday, March 20 to Saturday, March 21. Event registration starts at6:00 p.m. on Friday in the Rettner Hall atrium. The event will kick off with an introduction about the Challenge, ice-breakers, and optional brainstorming sessions. Over the next 24 hours, SPARK e-board members will take shifts operating the table in Rettner, where they will be offering free coffee and help for participants. The Rettner screen will display a live Twitter feed of the teams’ documented trade transactions. At 6:00 p.m. the following night, all participants will return and present their final item to three judges. Three winners will be selected and awarded cash prizes. The event will close with food, networking, and live DJing from WRUR.

Event details:

Red Paperclip Challenge trailer:

Pre-register on Facebook: