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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone, Keep Networking, and Don’t Forget to Smile

By March 20, 2015Blog Posts

If you are an international student and have no clue about how to find a job in the US, hopefully this post can help you in some way. I will share with you all of my experiences and what I have learned. I really appreciate those people who have helped me.

Many international students are used to their comfort zone with people from the same country, which definitely prevents them from access to native people to a large extent. “American business is based off of relationships – from making deals to building a client base, everything revolves around networking. This applies directly to recruiting,” Scott Gudmandson, a current Simon MBA student, pointed out sharply. Get out of your comfort zone to increase your access to networking opportunities! The key to networking is finding people you have a common connection with, like alumni, friends, or people you’ve met at events. These people are more willing to assist you and it’s easier to make small talk with them. Be polite and respectful in your initial contact via email; get additional contact information and invite them to have a cup of coffee. Once the relationship is built, make every effort to maintain it well, and they may offer referrals to you. Networking is a way to increase opportunities, and help you learn how to market yourself and practice interpersonal skills as well. Through networking, you may not only get referrals, but also get insights into industry or any fields you’re interested in by asking people who can equip you with first-hand knowledge far beyond textbooks and help you understand these jobs.

If you can’t get any referrals, don’t give up! Keep networking and keep applying online. Just remember, before you try to apply for any jobs, make sure that you have an elaborate resume. If you have no confidence in your resume, the Career Management Center is your best choice to ask for help. Or you can ask any alumni with rich experience for help. A complete and up-to-date resume is the first step to building your qualifications. Next step, maintain your LinkedIn profile to attract potential employers. Two hiring mangers told me that before they interviewed me, LinkedIn was a good way for them to learn more about me, besides my resume. Show your professional qualifications on LinkedIn, and don’t forget to align it with your resume! Finally, do your homework on the company you want to apply to and show it in your cover letter. Read the job descriptions and requirements with great care, and then combine your experience and strengths with these to make your qualifications match and stand out.

Opportunities are only for the people who are prepared. Once upon a time, I read a book that said that smiling will increase one’s chances. Get out of your comfort zone, keep networking and smile.

I wish you all the best in your job search!


– Jill Jin ’15 (MS)Jill Jin Pic