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Come On, Let’s Ski

By February 16, 2015March 20th, 2015Blog Posts

Under a deep blue sky, gliding down a mountain through the fresh snow with the sun glistening on surrounding snow-covered peaks must be one of the most incredible feelings in the world. But how can we get it? Of course, skiing!


Last Sunday, two classmates and I enjoyed this fabulous feeling. As a beginner, to be honest, I was nervous rather than excited at first. However, I relaxed and began to enjoy myself after dozens of falls, and mastering the skills a little bit. Here are some tips for beginners I can share with all of you from my many falls:

  1. Choose equipment that perfectly fits you!

Proper equipment can be a great support during your skiing and help you ski more effectively, while improper equipment can make you uncomfortable and even be dangerous. Proper boots fit your foot comfortably but snugly. Proper skis fit your skiing ability and height. Proper poles fit your height.

  1. Dress up and stay warm.

Your outer clothes should be waterproof, especially your pants. Sunglasses and gloves are needed.

  1. Check the weather before you go.

Rain will be poor weather for skiing. Unfortunately, the day we went skiing was a rainy day, and a heavy rain! Rain makes the ground too slippery, makes you wet, and makes you feel cold as well. It will be harder for experienced skiers to keep control on a rainy day, let alone a greenhorn.

  1. Don’t be afraid of falls and learn to stand up by yourself.

It’s common to fall over when you are skiing. Don’t be afraid. The more you fall, the more quickly you learn. If you fall over, you should learn how to stand up by yourself, although there are many warm-hearted people willing to give you a hand. I still remember that day, every time I fell over, there was always someone willing to help me. And the one who asked me most whether I needed help or not was a girl, only 7 years old, also a beginner. I asked for help standing up at the beginning, until I saw that girl easily standing up by herself when she fell over, which shocked me deeply and pushed me to stand up by myself no matter what the situation. Generally, it’s very hard for a person to stand up when they fall over during skiing, due to the skis and boots making it hard to move as you wish. After I tried many, many times, I succeeded. Once you learn how to stand up on your own, you will never be afraid to fall over.

  1. Don’t choose the level over ability.

It is exciting and challenging to choose the highest level, but getting out of control and alignment at high speed can break one’s bones!


After learning how to stop, turn right, and turn left, keep these tips in mind, and just enjoy your experience!



– Jill Jin ’15 (MS)Jill Jin Pic