Activity Registration Process

The activity registration process helps student organizations plan successful, safe, and organized activities. It allows students to request services and create successful events. Follow the steps below to register your activity.

Registering an Activity

First, schedule a meeting with your advisor to discuss your plan. Please review the activity policies prior to the meeting.

Then, after meeting with your advisor, submit your registration request through CCC. Your advisor will deny your registration request if it is not within the established time frame.

Based on the nature of your activity, your advisor will add the necessary reviewers from various offices at the University that you will need to support the activity. Any requests from the reviewers will be made through the CCC. You will need to respond to these requests through the CCC.

Activities with alcohol should pick up SWARM t-shirts from UHS at last two business days before the activity.

After you have responded to all activity reviewer requests, or the Activity Registration Review Committee has reviewed your submission, your activity will be approved or denied.

If Public Safety Officers are assigned to your activity, check in with University’s Department of Public Safety to discuss details of your activity at least two business days beforehand.  

When to Register an Activity

All activities will need to be registered through CCC with the exception of your EBoard meetings.  Furthermore, these are criteria that meet requirements to register:

  • Any on-campus activity that needs resources from Event and Classroom Management (ECM). View the set-ups and technical information on the Large Event Space Furniture and Tech Packages page.
  • Any on-campus activity where attendance will exceed 100 people.
  • Any on-campus activity that requires significant University resources (e.g., services supplied by Facilities, Public Safety). This includes activities that will be held in the following spaces: Upper Strong, Lower Strong, Spurrier Dance Studio, Douglass Commons, Wilson Commons Hirst Lounge, Wilson Commons May Room, the Palestra, and the Field House.
  • Any activity, on- or off-campus, at which money will be collected (including but not limited to activities with tickets, fundraisers, and raffles).
  • Any on-campus conference hosted by a student group.
  • Any on-campus collection drive.
  • Any on-campus activity at which more than 20 percent of the audience and/or participants is expected to be non-University of Rochester community members (conferences included).
  • Any on-campus activity that involves working with a non-University of Rochester organization, such as co-sponsors or guests.
  • Any programs, on- or off-campus, involving minors and children (not including University students who are minors).
  • Any activity with alcohol that meets one or more of these qualifications:
    • The activity is being hosted or planned by one or more members of the organization and supported by executive board officers
    • The activity is financed in whole or in part by the organization, including the purchase of alcohol
    • The activity is listed or advertised on the organization’s website or social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
    • Online invitations refer to the organization (this includes location name)
    • The activity is listed on the organization’s calendar (public or private calendars included)
    • The activity will be announced at an organization meeting or over an organization’s group text, Group Me, Slack Channels, etc.
  • Any on-campus event with a Non-UR guest speaker

Activity Timeline

Student organizations must stick to strict timelines in order to ensure the success of their activities. Failure to follow event registration timelines will result in event denial by the organization's advisor.

Any activity that meets the following registration criteria must follow the 30-Day Activity Registration Timeline:

  • Any on-campus activity where attendance will exceed 100 people.
  • Any on-campus activity that requires significant University resources (e.g., services supplied by Facilities, Public Safety). This includes activities that will be held in the following spaces: Upper Strong, Lower Strong, Spurrier Dance Studio, Douglass Commons, Wilson Commons Hirst Lounge, Wilson Commons May Room, the Palestra, and the Field House.
  • Any on-campus or off-campus event where alcohol is being served.
  • Any event using the university ticket system.

Any activity that meets the following registration criteria must follow the 14-Day Activity Registration Timeline:

  • Food (approved caterers, temporary food permits, perishable food items). This excludes pizza and pre-packaged foods.
  • Additional AV/Furniture needs beyond self-service options.
  • Funding, but excludes funding for pizza and pre-packaged foods or General Interest Meeting funds.
  • Any Non-UR Guest Speaker
  • Any additional services.

The only activities that can follow the 4-Day Activity Registration Timeline are:

  • Hirst Info Tables
  • Member/Chapter Meeting (No Services)
  • General Interest Meetings

All practices, rehearsals, GMMs that do not need services do not need to be registered as of January 2023.


Questions about how to register your activity? Contact your organization's advisor.