Marketing/Advertising Opportunities
There are many different opportunities available to promote campus activities. Checkout the below list to get information on these opportunities and review general advertising guidelines that all student organizations should follow.
Student organizations should check out the graphic arts services page for help with creating material to use for the below opportunities.
Types of Advertising & Promotion Available
- @Rochester
@Rochester is a daily blurb emailed to all University students, staff, and faculty with information about upcoming deadlines, news related to the University, and upcoming activities. To submit information about an upcoming activity to @Rochester, student organizations should email their blurb to Submissions must include the date the blurb should run and what audience the activity is for.
- Banners
There are a total of 9 banner spaces available on the Havens Lounge bridge. These banners hang in the center of Wilson Commons and are visible on most floors of the building. Banners can be requested through the Supply & Resource Request Form. Requests must be submitted at least 14 business days prior to the start of the requested reservation date.
Reservation Length and Restrictions
- All banner requests will start on a Sunday and end on a Saturday. Banners will be taken down the following Sunday morning. To ensure equal and fair access to banner space, student organizations or departments cannot have banners hanging for consecutive weeks, nor have more than 1 banner hanging at a time.
- Once a request has been approved the banner must be delivered to the Campus Information Center by 5 p.m. the Saturday before your reservation begins. Banners not received by this time will not be hung. After the banner is taken down the sponsoring organization must pick up their banner from the Information Center within 7 days or it will be disposed.
- Student organizations and departments are not permitted to hang their own banners.
- Wilson Commons Student Activities is not responsible for banners that are stolen or going missing.
Banner Dimensions and Creation
- Banners are to be no wider than 5 feet across and no more than 8 feet long. Typically, banners are hung by cutting 2 holes in the top of the banner. Due to the chance of ripping, paper banners are not accepted.
- Student organizations looking to paint their own banner can either do so outside or they can submit a reservation for Hirst Lounge.
- When using Hirst Lounge, painting can only be done on the brick floor with plastic tarps underneath the banner. Plastic tarps can be requested by calling the Campus Center Building Manager (585-329-9093). Reservations must be after 8 p.m. to not disturb meal times.
- Only water-soluble paints and materials can be used. Spray paints, oil-based paints, and permanent markers cannot be used.
- Student organizations are responsible for the cleanup and re-setting of the area used for making the banner. If additional cleanup is required, the student organization responsible may incur additional charges.
- Bathrooms cannot be used for cleanup. The Campus Center Building Manager can assist reservations with accessing janitor closets for cleaning brushes and dumping dirty water.
- Campus Times Newspaper Ad
If you have a news item such as a meeting, speech, or rally, you can contact a news editor at If you have a features item such as a cultural show, performance, or other entertainment event, contact a features editor at General inquires can be reached at (585) 275-5942.
If you do not have a budget for publicity, there are some ways you can advertise your event at no charge. You can request that your event be included in the events calendar by contacting the news editor. You could also pitch your event or cause to a CT editor.
Be prepared to give details about your event or cause including who, what, where, when, and why. Keep in mind that due to space constraints, not all events are able to be publicized.
Paid Advertising
If you have a budget for advertising, you can place an ad in the CT. They will accept ads that you have already created, but the WCSA Graphic Designer is also available to help create ads for you.
Ads may be purchased in full, half, quarter, and one-eighth of a page sizes. Specific dimensions can be found on the Campus Times advertising page. Advertising requests are due to the CT office by Thursday at 5 p.m. for publication in next Thursday’s edition. Payment (usually on an internal/blue requisition) and ad copy are due to the CT office by Tuesday at noon for that Thursday’s edition.
Another option is to place online advertising on the CT website.
For rates, contact the Campus Times at (585) 275-5942 or email the business manager at
- Chalkboards
There are two chalkboards available for student organizations to use inside Wilson Commons. One is in the third floor lounge outside Starbucks and the second is on the first floor outside Rocky’s Sub Shop & Lounge. The chalkboards can be requested through the Supply & Resource Request Form. Requests must be submitted at least 14 business days prior to the start of the requested reservation date.
- All chalkboard requests will start on a Sunday and end on the following Saturday.
- If the chalkboard has not utilized by Monday at 5 P.M. future requests to use the chalkboards may be denied.
- All displays must clearly state the sponsoring student organization.
- Inappropriate content (ex: drug paraphernalia, slanderous language) will be erased.
- Any chalking done without a reservation will be erased and may prevent the organization from using the space in the future.
- Student organizations must use chalk provided by Wilson Commons Student Activities. Chalk and cleaning supplies are available for pick up at second floor Information Center.
- Chalking
Chalk can be used outside on sidewalks to draw attention to campus activities. However, all chalking needs to follow the below guidelines. Student organizations can borrow chalk from the Information Center on the second floor of Wilson Common.
- Chalk can only be used on flat, outdoor surfaces.
- Chalking is prohibited on the following surfaces:
- Any vertical surfaces, including walls, sides of buildings/stairways, and stairs
- Under any awning or other structure that could potentially obstruct rain from washing the chalk away (e.g., the area under the awning at Susan B. Anthony Halls, balconies, etc.)
- Any brick surfaces, horizontal or vertical, including pavers, stairs, the Wilson Commons porch, and outside of Meliora Hall
- Any street surface (e.g., Intercampus Drive, Wilson Boulevard, etc.)
- Spray chalk cannot be used.
- Do not chalk over or add additional chalk to current chalked messages.
- All University members are encouraged to ensure that the content of chalking adheres to the Meliora Vision & Values. View the Meliora Vision & Values.
- The University reserves the right to remove chalk at our discretion.
- Chalk may be removed at any time based at the discretion of the grounds crew and in accordance with their cleaning schedule.
- Digital Signage
All student organizations and University departments can submit information on upcoming activities and deadlines to be displayed on digital signage in Student Life Spaces. To submit content for digital signage, please submit the Supply & Resource Request Form. Submissions will appear on the screens in Wilson Commons, Frederick Douglass Commons, and Genesee Hall.
- Images will remain on the screens for the requested period with a 2-week max timeline.
- If the event is ongoing throughout the semester, another request may be submitted after one month after the last request was removed.
- During special events or unique circumstances content may be temporarily removed from our digital signage.
- Content displayed on digital signage does not reflect the views of or equate to an endorsement from Wilson Commons Student Activities or the University of Rochester.
- Graphic Guidelines
- Dimensions should be at least 1920 x 1080 pixels in landscape orientation.
- Acceptable file types are PNG or JPEG.
- Content Guidelines
- For student organizations who are funded by SA, their flyer should include “Organization Name is SA Funded”.
- All QR codes must be scanned. QR codes that link to anything inappropriate or a money collection site (i.e., GoFundMe, Venmo, etc.) must not be hung and should be brought to a staff members attention.
- Events that are not sponsored or supported by the University are not accepted (i.e., storage companies, apartment for rent, etc.).
- Content Locations
- Wilson Commons
- Inside the Information Center (Second Floor)
- Outside Conference Rooms 121 and 122 (First Floor)
- Starbucks Lounge (Third Floor)
- Douglass Commons
- Behind the Manager Desk Near the Feldman Ballroom (Second Floor)
- Genesee Hall
- Public Lounge (Third Floor)
- Wilson Commons
- To view how to submit content for in other digital signs across campus click here.
- Flyers / Bulletin Boards
There are various bulletin boards throughout Wilson/Douglass/Genesee/Spurrier for advertising campus activities. 6 of these are reserved for flyers submitted to the Campus Information Center. 6 letter size flyers or 4 tabloid size flyers can be brought to the Campus Information Center on the 2 nd floor of Wilson Commons and they will be posted on the six reserved boards. The remaining bulletin boards are open for anyone to hang flyers on. Multiple flyers of the same type, flyers covering other flyers or hanging off the edges of the bulletin board, and flyers that are not stapled in all four corners will be removed.
Flyers for an event inside the building can be taped to the exterior doors the day of the event. They must be removed immediately after the event ends.
General Posting Guidelines on Campus
Areas like the clock tower, painted walls in buildings, and glass on windows and doors are sensitive to adhesive and other materials used to hang posters, which can damage these surfaces. If your organization or department is found posting in such areas and damage occurs when removing postings, a fee may occur to repair the damage.
No posting is allowed in the bridge between Wilson Commons and Douglass Commons or the tunnel between Douglass Commons and Rush Rhees Library at any time.
Posting in Residence Halls
Advertising is strictly limited to bulletin boards in residence hall areas. Postings are not allowed on doors, windows, bathroom mirrors, floors, rugs, or in elevators or stairwells. Organizations are also not allowed to slide advertising under student room doors or post on boards already designated for something else.
Commercial advertising is not permitted in any residence hall building. These advertisements will be removed by the residential life staff.
- Information Tables
Information Tables (Info Tables) are a tool frequently used by Student Organizations and Departments as a method to raise awareness about their activities or initiatives. There are 4 tables located at the top of the steps as you enter Hirst Lounge in Wilson Commons.
Reserving Info Tables
Info tables can be reserved through Virtual EMS on the 4 day template. Requests must be made at least 4 days prior to the start date and no more than twice per semester.
Reservations are first-come, first-serve, however priority will be given to student organizations.
- The confirmation email for a reservation will clearly indicate which Information table has been assigned to your request, please only use the table that has been assigned to your department or organization.
- Information can only be distributed from the designated table, individuals staffing the table may not solicit anywhere else in Wilson Commons.
- Info tables cannot be used for fundraising, for the sale of items, or tickets. URos, cash and mobile payments may not be collected at the information table.
- Exceptions to this policy may be approved on a case-by-case basis. To request an exception, please complete the Exception Form.
- Should the Information Table area in Hirst Lounge be needed due to an event in the space, a confirmed Info Table reservation will be canceled/rescheduled. If feasible and at the discretion of WCSA, the space may be shared with the confirmed event.
- The only food that can be distributed from info tables is pre-packaged, individually wrapped, non-perishable items.
Info Table Cancellation Policy
- Info Table reservations should be canceled through virtual EMS.
- Cancellation should occur by 10 a.m. at least 2 business days before the start of the reservation.
- Painted Tunnel
When painting the tunnel, organizations can use the sink in the utility closet (near the Hoyt end of the painted tunnel) to clean up. The door is labeled utility sink and is always unlocked.
The following guidelines apply to tunnel painting and the use of the utility sink:
- All University members are encouraged to ensure that the content of the painting adheres to the Meliora Vision & Values. View the Meliora Vision & Values.
- There is no reservation process for the tunnel. Do not paint over or add additional paint to events or awareness campaigns that have not yet occurred or ended.
- No flyers can be hung in the painted tunnel per fire marshal regulations.
- Tunnel painting should be done during slow foot traffic hours (i.e., later in the evenings and on weekends).
- No spray paint or oil paint can be used in the tunnel.
- The floor should not be painted.
- No chairs can be used while painting the tunnel. There are poles available in the utility sink room that can be attached to roller frames/handles.
- A limited number of roller frames/handles are available for use in the utility sink room. These should be returned after use. Organizations are responsible for providing the roller covers to go on the handles/frames and paint trays.
- Nothing outside of the tunnel can be painted, make sure no paint is tracked out of the tunnel.
- All clean-up from tunnel painting must be done in the utility sink. No restroom sinks near the tunnel may be used.
- Your organization may be charged facilities fees if paint is found outside of the tunnel or if clean-up activities take place outside of the utility sink.
- Paint cannot be stored on campus. Leftover paint from tunnel painting should be placed on a shelf in the utility sink room with the lid sealed tightly for proper disposal.
- Leftover paint supplies (roller frames/handles, brushes, trays, etc.) should be left neatly on the shelves and hooks in the utility sink room. Any supplies left in the utility sink room become community property and can be used by any organization.
- Screensaver Advertising
Advertising can be done on public PCs free of charge for student organizations. Below are the guidelines that must be followed to use this service. Slides must:
- Be submitted at least one week prior to the activity
- Be submitted via email in JPG or PNG format (1280 x 1024 is the suggested minimum resolution); all other formats will be rejected
- Include an end date
- Not contain objectionable or suggestive content
- Be directly related to University of Rochester activities or activities, and should include the sponsoring organization
- Include the date and time of your activity and, if applicable, where to go for more information
Slides will generally be active within 48 hours of submission. Requests must be sent to ECM at
- Student Activities Board Pre-Movie Ad
Student organizations and departments can contact the Student Activities Board by emailing if they are interested in having an ad for their activity shown before the weekly movie showing.
- Sue B. Rock Painting
Outside of Susan B Anthony Hall there is a large rock available to be painted. This rock is not reservable but student organizations are not allowed to paint over a display for an activity that has not yet occurred. Students should follow the same painting guidelines as the Painted Tunnel.
- University Calendar
Performances, lectures, exhibits, conferences, sporting activities, and more! If it's happening at the University, make sure to get it posted to the University's Activity Calendar. The calendar is visited daily by students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and the Rochester community.
To add an activity to the University calendar go to their website and click on “Login to save and share.” After entering you NetID fill out the online form, including a small image of the organization, activity, or activity location. Do not use a poster as the image is too small and the poster will be illegible.
All activities posted on the University calendar need to be approved by University Communications. Please be sure to submit your activity at least three weeks in advance so that there is time to approve the activity and for people to see the activity.
You can email with any questions or changes.
- Weekend Highlights
During the academic year, all undergraduate students in the College receive the Weekend Highlights email on Thursday afternoons. This email newsletter includes a listing of events scheduled for Thursday evening and all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of that week.
Events included in the Weekend Highlights email must be open to all undergraduates and have detailed event information accessible to the Campus Information Center. Inclusion in the email must not be the primary means of advertisement and should complement other marketing efforts.
Student Organization events must be registered in CCC to be included. These events will be automatically pulled from the completed Activity Registration as long as they are open to all students. Events that will not be accepted include general member meetings, Eboard meetings, rehearsals, practices, and any other activity exclusive to your members.
Departments can submit events for possible inclusion in Weekend Highlights through filling out the Resource Request Form by Wednesday at noon. Have the following information ready:
- Event name
- Description
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Price
- Transportation information
- Sponsorship
Weekend Highlights is not distributed during breaks – ie. Winter Break and Spring Break.
- WRUR On Air Announcement
Student organizations and departments can contact WRUR if they are interested in having an announcement made on the air regarding their activity.
- Content to Include
All advertising should accurately portray the basic information the campus needs to know. This can include:
- Who is sponsoring the activity, and who is invited to attend
- What type of activity is it, and what is the name of the activity
- Where the activity is being held
- When is the activity (date and time), when is registration, when do doors open
- Why are is it being hosted, why should people attend
- How to get tickets, how to find out more information, how much does it cost
- Disclosure for Special Accommodations
All publicity directed to the general public should contain the following statement: "Anyone requiring disability accommodations should contact Wilson Commons Student Activities at 585-275-5911 or This request should be made at least five business days in advance of the activity." This should be in 9 to 12 point font and include the international symbol of access.
- Proofreading
Prior to submitting material to the above opportunities, it is important for student organizations to proofread all materials. Materials will be published as submitted and often cannot be taken down immediately if a typo is made. It is good practice to have at least two people review all material prior to submission.
- SA-Funded Statement
SA-funded organizations need to include a statement regarding their status as being SA-funded on all advertising material. Insert the organization’s name into this sentence: "[Student Organization] is SA-funded." This statement should appear in 10 to 12 point font.
- University Logo/Symbols
The University’s Office of Communications has outlined specific guidelines on how to use the University’s logos, Rochester "R," mascot, and the written name of the University. Student organizations must follow all of their guidelines.