
University of Rochester is home to more than 275 undergraduate student organizations including club sports teams, fraternities and sororities, performing arts ensembles, academic and professional societies, cultural/identity-based and community engagement organizations.

For a complete list of undergraduate student organizations, visit  CCC

  • Undergraduate College Student Organization Details
    • Undergraduate student organizations are divided into three group types: College Student Organizations, Fraternity & Sorority Life, and Residential Life Groups.
    • Each group type has a specific process for forming new organizations and evaluating existing ones.
    • All three group types must re-register on CCC each fall in order to remain in good standing.
    • All student organizations must be listed on CCC.
    • All student organizations must follow the University’s Event Registration policies, student organization policies, and attend annual leadership training's that review policies and procedures.
    • Each group type assigns advisors and has a handbook with additional guidelines specific to the group type.

    For further information regarding funding, advising, and other guidelines for organizations in the College Student Organization group type, please reference the College Student Organization Handbook.


Student organizations may have access to the following resources based on their group type, activity tag, mission category, funding, or open/closed membership. For more information on Advisory Boards, please reference the Additional Group Types page .

    • Available Resources
      Available Resources


      College Student Organizations

      Fraternity & Sorority Life

      Residential Life Groups

      Advisory Boards

      Use of UR or University of Rochester Name and Logo


      Use of the term Student Organization




      Resources for Accessibility (i.e. Interpreters)

      Room Reservations and Info Tables

      ✓ (receive priority)

      ✓ (receive priority)

      Through department request

      Marketing/Advertising Opportunities (Banners, Chalkboard, and Digital Signage

      Through department request ( Chalkboard not available)

      Expression Wall

      Through department request

      Ticket Program



      Awards for Student Organizations

      Only eligible for Rocky’s Student Life Awards and Boar’s Head Award

       Only eligible for Rocky’s Student Life Awards and Boar’s Head Award



      Only available to the 3 FSA Governing bodies




       Through department

      Through department

      Shops @WilCo



      Reduced rate for Event Support services



      Activities Fair

      Only available to the 3 FSA Governing bodies

        Eligible for shared table

        Eligible for shared table

      Graphic Arts Service

      Available for Programs that have received supplemental funding and are open to campus



      Financial account with SOFO

      Only available to the 3 FSA Governing bodies



      Supplemental Funding

      Available for Programs that are open to campus


      Itemized Budget and flat funding

      Organizations with open membership



      SA Vans

      Event Supplies & Equipment

      Student Organization Printing



College student organizations may choose to have an affiliate associated with them. Affiliates are not a student organization, but rather a small group of students that is an extension of a student organization.

  • Affiliate Details
    • Affiliates can come and go more easily as there are no minimum membership numbers.
    • Affiliates do not have officer positions, only a chair/lead. This position should be a part of the parent organization executive board and the position should be listed in the parent organization constitution also indicating how the chair/lead is determined.
    • Affiliates are not eligible for student organization awards.
    • Affiliates are not eligible for a budget or financial account separate from their parent organization
    • Affiliates do not have to complete their own SOAR. Activity reflection forms must be submitted through parent organization.
    • Affiliates do not have to register each year since they do not have their own CCC site.
    • Affiliates are not eligible for a table at the Activities Fair.
    • Information on affiliates must be on the parent organization CCC website.
    • Affiliates are only eligible to come up for supplemental funding through parent organization request.
    • Affiliates do not have their own Virtual EMS contact. Reservation and promotional opportunities requests are managed by parent organization.
    • Parent organization must be listed on all affiliate publicity (an affiliate of parent organization or parent organization logo)
    • If a parent organization receives an itemized budget and an affiliate has a closed membership, the affiliate cannot receive funding through the parent organization’s budget.

For additional group types for CCC, please refer to the Additional Group Types page.