Forming New Organizations

  • Step 1 – Attend an Optional New Student Organization Information Session

    New Student Organization Information Sessions are designed to create a space for undergraduate students to meet with Wilson Commons Student Activities (WCSA) staff to gain more information, and ask questions related to starting a College Student Organization. Information session dates and times for 2024 will be listed here early-September.

    Any questions should be referred to

  • Step 2 – Submit a New Organization Proposal

    The New Organization Proposal form is currently closed for the 2023-2024 academic year, and will not re-open until Sunday, September 1 st 2024.If you have questions in relation to the new organization proposal process, please

    • All non-returning (e.g. graduating seniors, exchange students) and First-Year students cannot submit a New Organization Proposal.
    • Student Organizations which were derecognized during the 202 3-202 4 academic year cannot apply for re-recognition until the 202 5-202 6 academic year.
    • At least six (6) undergraduate students must be interested in being a member of your proposed organization. Of these six (6) students, at least half must be returning students. The submitter of the New Organization Proposal does not count towards the six (6) required. All Intent to Join submissions must be received within seven (7) days of the proposal submission date. If the minimum number is not met, the proposal will be denied. Please also note, the review board will not review proposals until the seven days have passed or the minimum number of intent to join submissions have been received; whichever comes first.
    • The mission statement listed in your proposal must match the mission statement submitted in the draft of your constitution. If you need assistance in writing your proposed organization’s mission statement, we encourage you to look out for the Mission and Vision workshop provided by the Medallion Program.


  • Step 3 – Proposal Review Period

    Once you have submitted your proposal and the minimum intent to join requirement is met, the Student Organization Administration & Review Committee (ARC),  the Students’ Association Appropriations Committee (SAAC), and  the Student Organization Review Board (SORB) will begin reviewing your proposal.

    If more information is needed, the SORB Administrative Lead will reach out through CCC’s chat feature to ask you clarifying questions or to invite you to one of SORB’s regular meetings. If you are invited to a SORB meeting, you will be provided the questions SORB plans to ask prior to the meeting.

    SORB is a medium sized committee, composed of seven (7) students and four (4) University staff members. Together, they meet to review New Organization Proposals, Constitution Update Requests, and other Student Organization related items. Our representatives are as follows:

    • ARC Chair
    • ARC Advisor
    • 2 ARC Representatives
    • DEI Liaison
    • SAAC Advisor
    • SAAC Representative
    • Staff Representative from a Student Life Office
    • Students’ Association Government Senator
    • Student Organization Liaison
    • WCSA Advisor
  • Step 4 – Approval Process

    If your proposed organization receives recognition, the submitter will receive an approval notification from CCC, and an email from the SORB Administrative Lead. The following three steps must be completed within a week of receiving the notification of approval:

    • CCC: Familiarize yourself with CCC, as this is the official resource for student organizations.
    • Constitution: Your proposed Constitution will be reviewed alongside your proposal. If no changes need to be made, the ARC Chair will sign, and request the President of the organization to sign the Constitution as well. Once all signatures have been collected, the Constitution will be uploaded to the Constitution & Resource Agreement. Academic/Professional organizations are encouraged to connect with the Greene Center if assistance is needing in writing an academic/professional mission statement.
    • Resource Agreement: All College Student Organizations receive a Resource Agreement, and are signed alongside the Constitution.
  • Step 5 – Review Resources
    • Meet with your Advisor: Schedule meeting with your assigned advisor.
    • Meet with your ARC Analyst: Schedule a meeting with your ARC Analyst to discuss best practices, resources, and review the Student Organization Handbook.
    • Visit or Contact the Student Organization Finance Office (SOFO): Visit the SOFO office to learn how to access funds for a general interest meeting, supplemental funding, and the budgeting process.
    • Become Familiar with the Activity Reflection Form: Complete an Activity Reflection Form for any activities that occur following your recognition, including general interest meetings (GIMs).


Review Student Organization Criteria

Review Student Organization Category Definitions

Students’ Association Government